Monday, August 25, 2008

shaping my behaviour: "I am hot tempered"-Nope your not...

shaping my behaviour: "I am hot tempered"-Nope your not...

"I am hot tempered"-Nope your not...

Who always want to starred at as if he/or were to be a television when he/she acts?
Who wants people to be scarred of coming to?

Who wants to be continuously addressed as that HOT TEMPERED man or woman?
Do you think your children will tell you want they want just because they are afraid of being scolded?

Do you think your family member will want to come close to you when they know that you get angry easily?
Do you think that people will want to do anything with you, for the fact that might do a little wrong and stab him/her with the nearest pen?

As far as I am concerned, 90% of humans on earth wants to be associated with.Out of them, some will not be closely associated with. Because of their unconscious acts, people don't like coming close to them.Then out of this set of people, almost all want to amend their ways because no man is an island.People always want to be associated with.

One of the unconscious behavior we possess is this double headed monster with 7 tails called HOT TEMPER.

For this reason, I felt that I can help you out with little write up.If you are not ready to implement this measures, please I urge you to stop because I believe that anybody that really wants to stop this act of over reaction, will make it after a few minutes of concentration in this write up.I spent time trying to make it for the people.

I have 3 measures that can be used to battle this monster

Like they say, two wrongs can not make a right. Your neighbor or friend at your work place has mistakenly poured your early morning coffee on our well ironed suit and on your document supposed to be verified that same morning.You turn, shout at him or her, complaining how important those documents are to you and even wants to put up a fight. Your fellow colleagues stop the fight between both of and you proudly put up this normal day to day talk that "You are hot tempered" I tell you, you are not.

You chose to do that at that time because you wanted to or just because you left the incident take control of your action. That is not the way things go.If we leave incidents that happen every minute of the day to take actions,I don't think this world will be comfortable and conducive for us.

You can say no to some actions of your that want to pop up on it's own just as you disable some auto pop-up programs on your system. Come on, you can do it.Can't you get it, you own yourself,no action owns you.

As you choose when to wake(setting your alarm), when to take our bath,when to take your breakfast,you can also choose the action you to do.Imagine you-a top 10 students in class, a manager of our company, the head of a family being tossed by a little action someone else did.No, you more than that.

Remember, you give instructions to humans at your workplace and the carry it out, your children look up to you, our class members always have your name in heir mouth when it comes to your school courses. Please if you achieve this type of fame,firm, name, supremacy, tell me why you will be tossed by a thing you don't even know.

A thing that has not achieved anything, a thing that has no being. Come on, you are more than that.
Say no to this thing, it can't rule you.You own you.


From my observation, we can attack this hair dreaded evil"HOT TEMPER" by also choosing to be happy.Do you think if when you wake up in the morning and say that you are not going to be angry today will fail you?No, it won't.

People choose not to be angry when they wake up in morning and likewise others choose to be angry when they wake up in the morning too.

You can choose to be happy throughout today by doing things like praying and asking God not to make you not to become angry today, singing songs like "OH HAPPY DAY", you know don't you?, repeating words like "I'm not going to be angry today", "Today is going to be a good day" when taking your bath, making breakfast, on your way to your workplace and in your daily activities.

This particular method proves the bible quote that there is power in spoken words.
People prefer this measure to battle this disease" HOT TEMPER"


Another way to battle this double headed monster, is the act not believing.Remember that whatever you believe is what comes to you.Even if you know that there this trace of hot temper in you, please do not believe in it.Once you believe, it matures and takes control over what you do.It displaces that little burning desire to limit it and therefore the act then explodes and passes it's remains in all the part of thinking.

People who believe they are hot tempered, are the ones that this hair dreaded devil eats up quickly.

I can see the smile on your face.Yes you can do it, just try and implement it and see how it works.See you at the other side of life where we hardly act unconsciously and spoil things.