Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Insiprational words to guide us to success

Life unappreciated is life abused. Many youths have wasted their lives without making good use of every opportunity given to them. “Youthful age is useful age and not wasteful age” “Use it don’t abuse it”. So many lives have been ruined because of lack of knowledge. This is an inspirational knowledge and the inspired governs their future” that is the essence if this blog.

It is revelational wisdom of God to our generation builders to inspire them unto fulfilling the hidden “You”. It is inspirational and is designed to contribute to your spiritual growth, do not ignore the revelational words, grab them, let them inspire you; motivate you into action so that you will be on speed as long as you live.

It is my earnest that as you go through this blog, the Holy Spirit will so much intoxicate you that your understanding will be enlightened to know the purpose of your existence on earth and I speak emphatically, that the level you are operating now will be the least you will ever operate in your life.


Ø Life is very much expensive, why waste your?
Ø Youthful age is useful age and not a wasteful age.
Ø You are not who you think you are based on your name or family background, but based on God’s purpose for your life.
Ø Vision without wisdom leads to illusion
Ø Whatever you conceive you receive(refer to the post of whatever goes around comes around)
Ø A delayed dream is dangerous”START WORKING ON YOUR DREAM, DON’T LET IT DIE!”
Ø Life is full of battles, battles come before victory, victory comes before recognition, and recognition comes before celebration, so don’t fear not battle, you will be celebrate over it.
Ø Cowards are not celebrated, but victors are….
Ø Never celebrate the victory you didn’t fight for.
Ø $50 earned is much better than $300 got with no work
Ø Your arrival ought to bring revival for the survival of your generation.
Ø Eagles don’t fly with vultures because no vulture has a future
Ø Every man’s future is in the scripture
Ø When you are prepared, you will be preferred and when you are preferred, you will be presented.
Ø Accept challenges that you may feel the exhilaration of victory
Ø It takes God to pick you among many and craft your dreams and days into His perfect plans
Ø Life can give you few reasons to cry, but you can give life thousands of reasons to laugh. “start laughing”
Ø Your joy and testimony will never be once upon a time
Ø Anything got in division is sustained in division
Ø Anointing does not flow in place of mere prayer but in a place of communion
Ø Essential parts are located by a patient person
Ø When you touch God’s holiness through praise and worship, he releases his angels to fight your battles.
Ø Battle faced with fear cannot be won, it takes courage for victory.
Ø There is tunnel of light at the end of patience; look beyond the shadows here is pure gold ahead.
Ø Battle faced with fear cannot be won, it takes courage for victory
Ø Being in God’s will is inconveniencing yourself to convenient God
Ø Don’t be used by men, be used by God. When God use you, they abuse you, When God use you, he raises you.
Ø Thinkers are makers
Ø Nothing works until you work, WORK ON YOUR MIND
Ø Your sight begets your size
Ø Your location determines your recognition. Zacchaeus was short in stature but tall in location and thought. Where are you?
Ø Your promotion is in gifts
Ø Grace qualifies the unqualified to be qualified
Ø Your prosperity is in your calling
Ø The acceptance of your assignment is the birth of your fulfillment
Ø If you loaded, you will be needed.
Ø Never run away failure, be encourage and face it
Ø When you are thankful to God, He fills your tank.
Ø It takes an attitude of gratitude to be congratulated and celebrated
Ø Man is an inward picture of God’s heart
Ø Man is God’s extension on earth with His grace, ability and wisdom to recreate and change his world
Ø You are greater than what you think and whom you think you are.
Ø You are a general that fits your generation cos you are generated to regenerate your un-generated generation.
Ø You are a new man who has never existed before
Ø Whatsoever that is not found in Christ should not be found in you
Ø You can do it, FEAR NOT!
Ø Offering bruises suffering
Ø If you are fearful, you can’t be faithful.
Ø The clarity of your dream determines how fast you get there
Ø Only a man, who began with the beginning continues with the continuity and ends with the ending.(Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever)
Ø When you mind men, you miss God.
Ø Never carry the sorrow of yesterday to destroy your wonderful tomorrow
Ø Who you believe is who you become
Ø Your dream is like an egg in you hand, you can hatch it or you break it
Ø Poverty is not primarily the absence of money, but the absence of inspiration. BE INSPIRED, YEAH! YOU ARE A SOLUTION
Ø Man is a wonder, and only wonder attracts man
Ø What you know forms your life.
Ø When you are divinely positioned, you will be divinely empowered for greater accomplishment.
Ø Self discovery is the birth of fulfillment of greatness.
Ø You can’t be the best if you can’t see the next.
Ø Your yesterday is history, your today is a revelation, and your tomorrow is a mystery.
Ø Don’t be distracted, very soon your distractors shall be attracted to you.
Ø Ignorance expires a man; information that is revelational inspires a man.
Ø Your yesterday’s conviction may not carry you today. “ALWAYS RENEW YOUR CONVICTION”.
Ø Your today’s decision determines where you will be tomorrow.
Ø Your joy is not in your occupation rather in your dream.
Ø It takes creativity for productivity.
Ø You are your product. “Your product is an extension of your soul and a reflection of who you are.”
Ø Untimely relocation leads to termination and abortion of vision, purpose and trust.
Ø The only problem you have is you. Let go of you to attain the level God wants you to attain.
Ø Success is not measured by resources but by the joy of your fulfillment.
Ø If you don’t wait for God’s directives and timing, you waste.
Ø God’s power is always manifested in the place of difficulties.
Ø The people you respect will be the people to bless you.
Ø Whenever you ask God for something, He gives you an instruction.
Ø It is not all about who or what you are in God but who God is in you.
Ø God created us naked and wants to see us always in the original state of nakedness.
Ø Death is an end of a relationship not an end of existence.
Ø Every creature is related to its source.
Ø Don’t worry, “if it is of God, perfection is guaranteed”.
Ø No one fears again having lost all. “Lose your life for God and live above fear”.
Ø That something is good does not mean that it is the best; the good is an enemy of the best.
Ø Divination is speaking when God has not spoken.
Ø Deception leads to destruction, DON’T BE DECEIVED!
Ø Your vision must be the breeding ground for exploits.
Ø Your seeds are very important, though they leave your hand, they don’t leave your life. Sow the right seeds.
Ø What you decree has the ability to increase or decrease you.
Ø If you refuse to come before the king naked, you can’t see him.
Ø What you behold is what you become.
Ø A lover is a giver; you can’t give when you don’t love.
Ø In all that you desire, desire spiritual growth.
Ø Don’t sing and dance every song; the redeemer redeems through redemptive songs.
Ø Accountability is inevitable.
Ø God can’t ask you what he hasn’t given you.
Ø The difference between seasons is the instruction you obey; God’s season is always constant.
Ø Men will only when you value yourself.
Ø Resurrection is only found in the place of death.
Ø When you worship God, don’t focus on your problems, focus on him.
Ø You are not created to be cheap but to be a chief.
Ø Protocol is a set up strategy to protect the king.
Ø Sink yourself into the word of God before the world sinks into you.
Ø Men and money respond to a defined project.
Ø Your altitude is based on your attitude.
Ø Do not think you’ve arrived, when your generation is bound.
Ø If you don’t pass through the test, you won’t have a lasting testimony.
Ø When you seek God in time of abundance, you prosper more.
Ø When you receive God’s judgment in your life, it makes you obedient and humble.
Ø God rested after the creation of man, because he created a co-creator.
Ø Man is not God’s conclusion but God’s progress.
Ø Don’t stop until you have finished; the world is searching for the answer within you.
Ø Everybody is not relevant to the cause of your fulfillment in life, LET GO OF THE IRRELEVANT ONES!
Ø Your best friends can turn to be your best enemies, BE CAREFUL!
Ø Help the needy now and you will not be in need tomorrow.
Ø Experience and inspiration makes a man a maker.
Ø Your wealth is in your dream. “NO DREAM, NO WEALTH”.
Ø Hunger and passion is the fuel for accomplishment.
Ø Don’t pray your experience, pray your expectation.
Ø DON’T WASTE IT, INVEST IT. For there is always a time of reckoning.
Ø Failures run away from failure, but inspirators are inspired back to success.
Ø IDENTIFY YOUR GIFTS, connect your business in line with your gift, and explode.
Ø Your past cannot be measured with your future.
Ø It is not about what you have, but how you use it.
Ø Your type of dance depends on the sound of music you hear (three Hebrew children heard a sound from Heaven and stood while others heard the Babylonian sound and fell down.
Ø What you do not appreciate, you can’t see.
Ø Fruitfulness is unseasonable.
Ø The passion of your calling brings faithfulness, fruitfulness and fulfillment of your ministry.